Evelyn Berezin (1925-2018), born in the Bronx from two Russian immigrants, was a true IT pioneer as well as a successful entrepreneur.

Why should Evelyn Berezin be famous?
One reason among all: she invented the first Digital Word Processor of history in 1969.

The name of it was Data Secretary, and it was an innovative machine because it used semiconductor chips where even the big ones like IBM still used electronic relays.

Evelyn's idea was a winner because it made the work of the secretaries much more efficient and she did it using an innovative technology: chips and digital electronics. The classic office work was done in those days with typewriters but it happened that typing errors were made and therefore the sheet had to be thrown away to rewrite it again.

Another problem with typewriters involved producing as many copies of a document as it meant writing and rewriting hundreds of sheets with the risk of error.

Data Secretary eliminated all this, because for the first time it allowed to edit the text, delete, copy and paste it.